The Basel Association for Medical Cooperation is a politically and religiously independent association under the patronage of the Basel Medical Society. It is made up of committed specialists from the medical field and other professional categories, all of whom work for free and travel to the projects at their own expense.
The Basel Association for Medical Cooperation plans and implements projects abroad, provides medical and (medical) technical knowledge and skills on site, supports the exchange of experiences and procures urgently needed materials.
It provides information in Switzerland about problems and needs in the project areas and about the progress and results of the projects.
The aim of all projects is to provide the best possible help while taking into account the cultural peculiarities of the respective country.
The association has had a partnership with St. Paul's Mission Hospital in Kashikishi, Zambia since 1993.
The AIDS orphan school project is an initiative of the Kashikishi community to help the countless orphaned children. The Basel support association has also been supporting this project since 2002. At the beginning we were able to accept 60 children into the school project, today there are already 125 children involved.
The coordinator of the orphan school project, Jacob Chanda, and the nuns of the hospital, as our trusted persons, supervise the project on site and guarantee with their commitment that the donations are used effectively.
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